
SfInput is a single-line text field allows users to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols. It adds default styles to the native <input type="text"> and supports supports adding content before/after the text input.


Basic input component

SfInput supports 3 sizes that can be set with the size prop: 'sm', base, and 'lg'.

Input with icons

You can insert content before and after your input using the prefix and suffix slots. This can be useful for adding icons or buttons to your input.

Input in disabled state

SfInput comes with out-of-the-box styles for a disabled input.

Readonly Input

SfInput comes with out-of-the-box styles for a readonly input.

Invalid State

If you pass the invalid prop, the input will be styled to indicate an invalid state.

Full Example

This is an example of what SfInput might look like in your end code. It has a label, help text, character counting, and different styles depending on the input state.


All non-prop attributes and styles added to SfInput component are passed directly to the native input element. This means that you can add all of the input attributes directly to SfInput. If you want to style the wrapper div, you can pass your classes via the wrapperClass.

Since, size is a specified prop of SfInput, you won't be able to pass the native size attribute to your input element. Instead, you can use the width property with ch unit instead (eg. width: 10ch).
